0115 964 7740 - law@curtisparkinson.com

Before You Make an Appointment
Before booking – checklist
Before you book a video appointment with us, please make sure you can satisfy the following:
CHECK – Personal Identification Documents
All solicitors (lenders, accountants and estate agents too), are required by law to satisfy the Money Laundering Regulations.These stipulate that we must obtain evidence of a client’s identity. Every solicitors’ practice also has an internal policy which may impose further requirements.It is very important that you make sure you have access to a scan or photo of appropriate documents from the list below. We will not be able to proceed unless we receive these documents by email before we arrange a video appointment.
Full List of Documents
We will need you to produce by way of formal identification the original of at least one document from List A and two documents from List B for each person.
LIST A – Confirmation of Your Identity
Please provide one original document for each person, either:
- A current original valid signed full passport less than 10 years old; OR
- Current valid original full UK photo-card driving licence – less than 10 years old
LIST B – Permanent Residential Address Confirmation
Please provide two original different documents for each person. They must be less than 3 months old and from different organisations:
- An original mortgage statement from a recognised lender less than 3 months old;
- An original Bank / Building Society statement less than 3 months old (not a savings account) with your current address; PLUS the original signed debit card, with a Mastercard or Visa symbol and an embossed sort code and account number matching the statement;
- An original credit card statement with your current address less than 3 months old; PLUS the original signed credit card with the Mastercard or Visa symbol matching the statement;
- An original utility bill or statement less than 3 months old – gas, electric, water or telephone (but not a mobile phone bill);
- An local council tax bill from the current year;
- An original local council or housing association Rent Card or Tenancy Agreement PLUS original evidence of payment of rent for the last 3 months;
Please note, scans/photos of copied, internet printed or certified copy documents will not be accepted.
Each document must give your legal current name and title (i.e. Mr, Mrs, Miss etc.) first forename, surname and current address.
Documents must be officially changed by you into your current name before they will be accepted. Please contact your Bank / Building Society, Credit Card and or Utility Company for original statements.
CHECK – Nature of work
We are unable to act if:A client lacks capacity OR
A matter is likely to be contentious, such as excluding a family member from a Will
CHECK – Technology
Before you accept an appointment, please check if your device is video and audio enabled. Also, check you have sufficient bandwidth on your internet supply to enable your video call.To reassure you, if you already use a video call service, such as FaceTime, Skype, What’s APP or similar, your device should be fine.
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