Making a will. What are you waiting for? | Curtis Parkinson

Making a will. What are you waiting for?

4 July, 2018 4 minutes reading time

According to a recent survey by Macmillan Cancer Support, two in every three UK citizens haven’t made a Will. And, worryingly, over 1.5m people may have unknowingly made their Wills void by getting married. Furthermore, at least 20% of those surveyed admitted they planned to update their wills to include children and grandchildren but hadn’t got around to doing so.

Official guidance recommends that Wills be reviewed ‘every five years and after any major life changes’. Yet according to recent stats, 25% of Wills have not been updated for at least five years.

Five Good Reasons for Making a Will

  1. A valid Will lets you control who inherits your property after your death. If you have no Will at the date of your death, you die intestate. Your property is distributed according to law, which may not be what you wish to happen. Sometimes, your estate may go to the Crown instead of the people you want to benefit.
  2. Equally important, in your Will, you decide who will be responsible for dealing with everything – your executor and who will act as guardian for young children.
  3. You can also use your Will to express your preference for burial or cremation and for donating organs or your entire body for medical purposes.
  4. In addition, making a Will could help reduce the liability to inheritance tax on your death. This is particularly important if you have substantial assets.
  5. When you die, leaving a valid Will, legal ownership of all your property passes automatically to the executors appointed by the will. To prove that they have the right to deal with the estate, they must apply for a legal document confirming their rights from the Probate Registry. This is called obtaining probate.

Separating Fact From Fiction

I have nothing to leave!

However little you may have, it’s better to say who you’d like to receive it. If you add up the value of your home, your car, bank and building society accounts, premium bonds, life policies and other savings – you’ll probably be surprised how much you have.

I am married, and I want all I have to go to my husband, wife, or partner. Do I still need a will?

Yes. Many people believe that spouses inherit everything from each other. This isn’t always the case. If you leave a large estate, your spouse must share your property with your children or other relatives if you have no children predetermined by law. It may be that this isn’t what you would want at all.

We have registered a Civil Partnership; what effect does this have?

Registered Civil Partners have the same entitlement as married couples. 

We are not married. Does this make a difference?

Absolutely. Co-habitees (however long their relationship) do not automatically inherit from each other.

I have step-relations, and I would like them to receive something

You need to include step-relations in a will because they do not inherit automatically.

Who will carry out my wishes?

You must appoint executors to your Will. They will ensure your Will’s terms are carried out after your death. It is usual to appoint between one and four executors; they can be members of your family, a solicitor, other professional adviser, friends or any combination. The executor may also benefit from the will.

I am too young to make a will!

Tragically, people die at all ages. Make a will while you can do so.

Inheritance Tax

An overview of current Inheritance Tax rules is available on the government website. However, we can explain how inheritance tax is charged and discuss ways of reducing the tax bill – no one wants to leave their saving to the tax man!

DIY Wills

You can prepare your Will yourself. However, your Will is an essential legal document. Commonly used words and expressions can have different meanings in law, so it’s vital to ensure they are appropriately drafted to carry out your wishes. Also, ensure your Will is properly signed and witnessed – otherwise, it may not be valid.


If you die without making a valid will, you die intestate. The management of your estate is then placed in the hands of administrators appointed by the court. They are likely to be close members of your family. The administrators distribute your estate according to the rules of intestacy.

Further Assistance

In the meantime, if you need further advice or assistance on making a will or any other related matter, please contact us. We’re here to help.

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