Statutory Wills – what are they for? | Curtis Parkinson
Statutory Wills

Statutory Wills – what are they for?

18 July, 2018 4 minutes reading time

Statutory Wills offer robust protection for vulnerable people, protecting them from potential contentious claims after they die. When someone who has not made a Will loses mental capacity, it is possible to apply to the Court to make a Statutory Will. Establishing what will happen to their home and valuables, including money, when they haven’t been able to make a Will, is important.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) makes it possible for the Court of Protection to make a Statutory Will on behalf of any individual who is incapable of making one themselves.

This can be a complex (and lengthy) process, so we thought it would be helpful to answer the most commonly asked questions to help you understand what’s involved.

So, before we talk about Statutory Wills, what exactly is the Court of Protection?

The Court of Protection takes responsibility for making decisions on welfare and financial issues for people who lack mental capacity when they need to be made. They will decide whether the person cannot make decisions for themselves, and they will determine what is in that person’s best interests.

What power does the Court of Protection have?

In the landmark legal case Re M (2011) the Court of Protection stipulated that it could not state how valid a current Will is. However, it can authorise a new Will to be made and executed under the ‘best interests principle’ laid out in the MCA 2005.  This means that any action taken, or decision made for a vulnerable person, must be in the person’s best interests.

Once a Statutory Will has been executed, it will be as if the person had executed the Will themselves, under ‘normal’ circumstances. It will, as with any legitimate Will be subject to the terms of the Wills Act 1837.

Why would I make an application?

You can make an application on behalf of a child or an adult (who lacks capacity) for various reasons. Commonly, this is through physical or mental illness, brain damage or because of a learning disability.

A Statutory Will application to the Court of Protection is helpful in cases where there is the potential for a contentious claim to be brought post-death. In this case, a Statutory Will protects the vulnerable person.

So, what are the most common reasons for making a Statutory Will?

  1. The person has not made a Will before
  2. For Estate Planning/IHT purposes
  3. Where their estate has dramatically increased (or reduced) in value
  4. Where, as the incapacitated person, they have received substantial damages from a Personal Injury award
  5. If a beneficiary or beneficiaries under an existing Will have passed away or have received significant gifts already, the Will may need to be altered
  6. To avoid a Probate dispute if it is likely to occur post-death

What should I include in an application?

The main question you must ask is, ‘Does it serve their best interests’? When you apply, you must provide evidence to the Court of Protection that it is in the vulnerable person’s ‘best interests’ to execute a Statutory Will.

There are three things you need to consider ‘best interests’:

  1. They should be included if the person can express any wishes or feelings.
  2. Any present or past Wills.
  3. The general beliefs and values of the person in question.

Who pays for this application process?

Usually, the costs are taken from the vulnerable person’s assets.

So, I’ve got a Statutory Will in place; how can I avoid claims after death?

If a Statutory Will application has been successful, a claim on the estate after death would be particularly frustrating.


  1. Is a Statutory Will application the best option? Could anything else be done instead of a Statutory Will application?
  2. Where a Statutory Will is made, make sure:
    1. A Medical Report is obtained;
    2. All parties who should be involved have been notified, or best efforts have been made to contact missing beneficiaries;
    3. Copies of any previous Wills are included;
    4. If the vulnerable person is near death, an urgent application is made;
    5. Make sure the person is resident within England and Wales;
    6. The Statutory Will is executed correctly.

Our Advice

Unfortunately, relatives and loved ones don’t always agree about what’s in a Will – Statutory or otherwise. So, following the correct procedures and making a successful Court of Protection application is very important. As is often said, plan for the worst and hope for the best.

If you would like further information on the above and would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.

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