What Happens After The Appointment? | Curtis Parkinson

What Happens After The Appointment?

Taking instructions

  1. If it is not appropriate for us to act for you we will shred and delete all information and documentation you have provided and advise you accordingly.
  2. Assuming it is appropriate to act for you, we will email a number of formal documents for you to read, sign and scan back. Don’t worry, you will receive clear instructions at the time. The documents will include:
    • Instruction form to sign and scan back
    • Full Terms of business (we will only need the ‘Cover Letter’ page)
    • Our invoice, based on cost estimate provided
    You will be able to contact us by telephone to make payment

IMPORTANT: Until this step is completed you will not be our client

Becoming a client

  1. We will prepare the documents and email them to you for your approval.
  2. Once you have approved them, we’ll explain the final steps you will need to follow so the documents are complete.

IMPORTANT: Until this step is completed your documents will have no legal effect

Witnessing Wills & LPAs during the Covid-19 lockdown

During the current lockdown we can not see you face to face in the same room, so your options are:

  1. Car – drive to the office with your own black pen and we will witness through your car window
  2. Home – at an extra cost and at our discretion, we will travel to your home and witness through your window
  3. Alternatively, we will email or post the documents for you to obtain your own witnesses – we will of course explain the procedure for witnessing


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