Wills | Curtis Parkinson Wills Wills
Why Make a Will


Why Make A Will?

Many people put off writing a will for one reason or another; however, it is important to understand that without one, should the unexpected happen, you will have no control as to who your estate will go to leaving spouses, children or other members of the family in a helpless position at a very distressing time.

In the worst-case scenario, someone who you don’t like or some distant relative may make a claim on your estate.

By making a will, you will be able to decide exactly who will get your money, property and possessions upon your death and who will have the responsibility of organising this (the executor). You will also be able to specify guardians, if required, for any dependent children to ensure their future welfare or set up a trust to manage your assets for the benefit of your dependents.

Making A Will

Making a will doesn’t have to be a stressful or worrying task and certainly not one to be put off! Here at Curtis Parkinson, we make it as straightforward as possible for you. We will also be able to update any will should your circumstances change through marriage or divorce. We promise to handle your requirements sensitively and efficiently, explaining all the legal aspects in a clear and straightforward manner.


Simple Single Will – From £250.00
Simple Joint Wills (ideal for couples) – From £400.00
All prices shown exclude VAT and any necessary expenses which must be paid to others

For insurance against lost wills, we offer optional registration on the Certainty National Wills Register for £20.

We also offer a Free Will Scheme for clients over 55 in conjunction with Cancer Research UK and with the Stroke Association for the over 60s.
(Subject to conditions – please contact us now for details)

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