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Your Will, Your Family & Inheritance Disputes
25 July, 2021 3 minutes reading time
Disappointed beneficiaries take family members to court over their inheritance (or lack of it) more than ever before. Notwithstanding the sharp spike in court cases last year, many inheritance disputes are settled out of court after a lot of (expensive) legal to-ing and fro-ing.
Inheritance disputes are destructive and expensive. But, with careful planning and taking time to think about what you want, you can avoid family arguments over an inheritance.
Top Tips to Prevent a Dispute Over Inheritance
#01 – Make a Will
It might seem obvious, but almost 70% of adults in the UK don’t make a Will. And dying without leaving a valid Will means it’s unlikely that the state will divide your assets in the way you’d like. Couples who cohabit or are separated but not yet divorced are less likely to inherit under the Intestacy Rules. Furthermore, if you want to exclude someone close to you from inheriting your Estate, making a Will is necessary.
#02 – Take Professional Advice
It may surprise you to learn that many people challenge a Will on technical grounds. Taking professional advice means that the wording of your Will is not ambiguous. A lawyer will also make sure the Will is properly signed and witnessed, removing the risk of questions over validity or meaning.
Taking advice from a lawyer who must make sure the person making a Will understands what they are doing will also fend off a challenge based on undue influence.
#03 – Make Sure Your Will Suits Your Circumstances
Your circumstances dictate the type of Will you should choose. For example, mirror Wills are rarely appropriate where there is a second relationship involved. Stepparents disinheriting children from a previous relationship is a common cause of inheritance disputes. However, including a trust arrangement in your Will can protect your children’s inheritance on the second death whilst providing for the surviving partner or spouse in the meantime.
#04 – Consider Writing a Letter of Wishes
Setting down your wishes in a letter that’s separate from your Will is worth doing. It explains why you’ve chosen your beneficiaries or perhaps why you have expressly excluded someone. Beware, ask for professional help. A lawyer will write the letter with considerable care and legal know-how. Writing it yourself may create more problems than it solves.
#05 – Consider No Contest Clause
Leaving a legacy in your Will for someone you might consider excluding, on condition they don’t challenge the Will (known as a Forfeiture clause), can prevent a dispute. Ultimately, it may not prevent them from making a challenge but should make them think twice.
#06 – Discuss Your Will Openly
Talk openly about what you’re planning with those involved. Managing expectations is helpful to ward off future disharmony.
Our Advice
Taking specialist legal advice on how to structure your Will is vital if you want to avoid costly, emotionally difficult family battles over your Estate.
For further information or advice, please contact us. We’re here to help.
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