0115 964 7740 - law@curtisparkinson.com

What Should I Bring With Me?
We will need you to produce by way of formal identification the original of at least one document from List A and two documents from List B for each person.
LIST A – Confirmation of Your Identity
Please provide one original document for each person, either:
- A current original valid signed full passport less than 10 years old; OR
- Current valid original full UK photo-card driving licence – less than 10 years old
LIST B – Permanent Residential Address Confirmation
Please provide two original different documents for each person. They must be less than 3 months old and from different organisations:
- An original mortgage statement from a recognised lender less than 3 months old;
- An original Bank / Building Society statement less than 3 months old (not a savings account) with your current address; PLUS the original signed debit card, with a Mastercard or Visa symbol and an embossed sort code and account number matching the statement;
- An original credit card statement with your current address less than 3 months old; PLUS the original signed credit card with the Mastercard or Visa symbol matching the statement;
- An original utility bill or statement less than 3 months old – gas, electric, water or telephone (but not a mobile phone bill);
- An local council tax bill from the current year;
- An original local council or housing association Rent Card or Tenancy Agreement PLUS original evidence of payment of rent for the last 3 months;
Please note, copied, scanned, internet printed or certified copies will be shredded. This will cost you both a delay and £18, which will be added to your bill each time we have to ask/remind you to provide the acceptable documents.
Each document must give your legal current name and title (i.e. Mr, Mrs, Miss etc.) first forename, surname and current address.
Documents must be officially changed by you into your current name before they will be accepted. Please contact your Bank / Building Society, Credit Card and or Utility Company For original statements.
Proof of Names
In a case where the name on the document is different from the name you are currently using, or there has been a variation in the form of spelling of the name over the years, please provide us with, eg, Certificates of Birth, Baptism, Marriage, or a Divorce Decree.
If there has been a change of name, then we will need to see a copy of the Deed Poll or Statutory Declaration, which dealt with it.
Companies, Partnerships, etc:
If a document is to be signed by you on behalf of a company, a partnership, a charity, club or other incorporated body, there are further requirements on which we may have to insist.
Please be prepared for these and telephone with any point or difficulty before attending on the appointment.
In each case:
- Evidence of identity of the authorised signatory (as listed above);
- A copy of the current letterhead (showing the registered office if it is a company);
- A letter of Authority, Minute, resolution or Power of Attorney, authorising you to sign the document;
- In some instances I may have to see a copy of the latest Annual Accounts; the latest Tax Assessment; the latest quarterly VAT return.
Additionally, for companies:
- Certificate of incorporation and of any Change of Name;
- A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- Detail of Directors and Secretaries.
Additionally, for partnerships, clubs, etc:
- A Partnership Agreement; or relevant Trust Deed; or Charter; or Constitution/Rules.
Making an Appointment
It is not uncommon to need the services of a Notary at short notice. Appointments can be made by filling in the form below, or by calling us on 0800 056 6042 during office hours. Depending on the complexity, your Notary appointment would take between 20 minutes to an hour.
Client Care
A notary public is not that same as a solicitor – we are separately regulated and your rights are different when instructing us as a notary. Download our Terms and Conditions here.
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