Notary Appointments | Curtis Parkinson

Notary Appointments

Notary Appointments

To make a booking, simply fill in the form below. We will then get back to you to arrange a convenient time.


How the appointment process works

  • 1.
    Fill in the form below and upload PDFs of your identification and the documents you need notarising.
  • 2.
    If we can assist you, we will email you a full quotation. If you accept, we will then email the following:
    • Terms of business to sign and scan back
    • Invoice which you will need to call to pay
  • 3.
    We will then conduct AML identification checks. Provided you pass we will proceed to Step 4
  • 4.
    We will then contact you to arrange an appointment and explain how it will work.



Appointment booking form

Security: Naturally, we take the security of your personal documents and data very seriously. Our website utilises SSL encryption and any documents or personal data gathered during the process will be permanently deleted from our system.


Your Details

Notary Appointment

Person 1


Person 2

Person 3

Person 4


Your Notary Requirements

How many documents do you need to notarise in total?
Are there any additional parties to the document?
Do you need to supply a copy of your passport in addition to the notarised document?
Do you need to supply a copy of your passport in addition to the notarised document?
Is this for a company?
Is this for a company?
For copy documents, is verification required? If so, how many documents need verifying?
Is the verification for a University Degree? If so, how many degrees need verifying?
Is an Apostille / are Apostilles required? If so, how many?
Do you need us to arrange an Apostille for you?
Do you need us to arrange an Apostille for you?
Do you require Consular Legalisation for China and UAE? If you require Consular Legalisation for any other country, please add details to the 'Any other relevant information' field below.
Do you require Consular Legalisation for China and UAE?

Your Documents


Please upload your documents by dropping files on the box below, or clicking to choose your files. The documents you will need to include are -

1. Scan/photo of one form of Identification for each person (in PDF format). Either:

  • A current original valid signed full passport less than 10 years old; OR
  • Current valid original full UK photo-card driving licence - less than 10 years old

Please note, scans/photos must be of the original document. Copied, internet printed or certified copy documents will not be accepted. Each document must give your current legal name. Documents must be officially changed by you into your current name before they will be accepted.

2. A copy of the documents that you need notarising (in PDF format)
3. An explanatory email/letter from your lawyer, if appropriate (in PDF format)

File Upload - PDF format only

Maximum file size: 10MB

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Please get in touch to arrange an appointment, or simply ask a question about our Notary services.

    Partnerships & Accreditations
    Member of the World Association of Notaries Certified Cyber Essentials