0115 964 7740 - law@curtisparkinson.com

How to Handle a Rogue Trustee
The pros and cons of setting up a trust are often discussed when planning someone’s estate. However, depending on the size of a person’s estate, the benefits of creating trusts invariably outweigh the disadvantages as they can help to minimise Inheritance Tax (IHT), protect vulnerable dependents, or generally preserve an individual’s wealth for future generations. […]
continue readingDo Lasting Powers of Attorney Reduce Your Independence?
Unsurprisingly, when clients make Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs), they often ask if these powerful legal documents can reduce their independence or leave them open to financial abuse. Given that you can only make Powers of Attorney when you’re ‘of sound mind’, they’re excellent questions to ask before giving someone access to your finances. So, […]
continue readingManaging Conflicts of Interest & Trustee Self-Dealing
When a Trustee is appointed, they’re usually aware that they must take their responsibilities very seriously. They have a legal duty to act only in the best interests of the Trust’s beneficiaries. Trustees must not seek to benefit from their position as a Trustee or knowledge of the Trust’s assets or put themselves into a […]
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