Court of Protection Archives | Curtis Parkinson

What’s involved in Court of Protection proceedings?

Finding yourself involved in Court of Protection proceedings can be stressful, especially when it’s unfamiliar territory for you. The Court of Protection was set up to safeguard vulnerable people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. These decisions may relate to the person’s health and welfare. When a dispute about a vulnerable […]

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What Happens to Deputyship When Someone Dies?

Court of Protection Deputyships A Court of Protection Deputy has ongoing responsibilities. Their role continues until the Court officially discharges them, the person they’re assisting passes away, or the Deputy themselves dies. If the person you are Deputy for dies, any Court of Protection application or order will end. However, the Deputy must provide both […]

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Managing Someone’s Affairs Without Powers of Attorney

If someone close to you loses mental capacity and they don’t have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place, it can leave you and your family in a tricky situation. It’s too late to be appointed as their Attorney because the person making the LPA (called the Donor) can only create an LPA when […]

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Trusts and Protecting Your Assets

We’ve written a few articles about the government’s planned increases in probate fees. A plan which, if implemented as intended, has been dubbed a ‘stealth tax’. Unsurprisingly, amid widespread condemnation, we’ve seen a marked increase in enquiries from clients about the potential benefits of setting up trusts. Can this approach mitigate inheritance tax liability and increased […]

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Acting as an Attorney or Deputy During Covid-19

Acting safely as a Deputy or Attorney during Covid-19 is concerning for many. However, outside the need to follow a robust social distancing regime, shielding and self-isolating when necessary; the roles and responsibilities for Deputies and Attorneys remain the same. Responsibilities During the CoVid-19 Restrictions  Working closely with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the Office […]

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Benefits of Lasting Powers of Attorney

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has launched a targeted campaign aimed at educating the public about the benefits of making Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs). Prompted by recent OPG research and due to launch across the UK, the new campaign videos are focused on increasing the number of LPA registrations by promoting the […]

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Is Your Care Home Contract Fair?

UK care home providers face direct fines if they mislead ‘customers’ Care homes are much the same as any other business. They are obliged to provide their ‘customers’ with a contract. And that contract should comply with consumer law. However, according to research by consumer association Which? in 2018, many care homes they looked at […]

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